守望先锋竞技模式第三赛季什么时候开 开始时间一览

新闻中心2024-12-05 03:26:415474

  守望先锋新英雄黑影的守望时候始版本更新后竞技模式第三赛季即将来临。那么具体是先锋什么时候出呢?来看看99单机小编熊卜卜的守望先锋竞技模式第三赛季什么时候开 开始时间一览哈 。

守望先锋竞技模式第三赛季什么时候开 开始时间一览


守望先锋竞技模式第三赛季什么时候开 开始时间一览


  Competitive Play's second season will end on November 23 at 4PM PDT (November 24 at 0:00 UTC), and the third season will begin on November 30 at 4PM PDT (December 1 at 0:00 UTC). During the week-long off season, you'll still be able to queue for matches using the Competitive Play ruleset, but your skill rating will not be affected and no Competitive Points will be awarded.

  译文 :竞技模式第二赛季将于太平洋时间十一月二十三日下午四点结束(北京时间:11月24日上午8点),新赛季将于11月三十日下午四点开启(北京时间 :12月1日上午8点)休赛期七天 ,模式在这七天中你可以通过季前赛的第赛方式继续使用竞技模式进行比赛,但不会变更你的开开天梯分数也不会有任何竞技点数的获得。


  We've also made a few adjustments to the skill rating system for season 3. Players will be distributed more broadly across the skill tiers,守望时候始 which means that your season 3 rating will probably be lower than the previous season.

  译文 :新赛季中我们对竞技模式的评级系统做出了一些调整,玩家们将会获得跟他们技术水平更加贴近的先锋天梯分数,但这也意味着新赛季的竞技季什间览天梯分数会比以往赛季的分数低。(暴雪承认第二赛季定级机制有问题 普遍偏高)

  Developer Comments: When season 2 started,模式 we had more players in the Gold and Platinum skill tiers than we originally intended. This meant that skill levels varied widely for players within those tiers, and some players were achieving inappropriately high rankings during their placement matches. These players typically began the season by having their skill rating adjusted downwards after their first few matches. For season 3, skill ratings will be slightly lower after your placement matches, allowing them to increase as the season begins. After you play enough matches, your skill rating changes will return to normal.

  译文:开发者评论 :第二赛季开始后,我们发现黄金段位和铂金段位的第赛玩家比我们预想的要多很多(不符合正态分布),这意味着在同等段位中玩家水平差距很大(原来鱼塘上不了分是开开暴雪的锅!) ,同时许多玩家定级赛后获得的守望时候始段位过高 ,他们在定级后的先锋比赛中因而俯冲(游戏体验差)  。

守望先锋竞技模式第三赛季什么时候开 开始时间一览

  在第三赛季中,竞技季什间览定级赛后的段位将略微低于mmr的真实水平,从而让玩家们在定级后可以取得一定的分数提升,在游戏场数达到一定数量后 ,加分将回归正常 。(这项改动大幅提升定级后的玩家体验)。





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