炉石传说2017年2月底将更新 环境

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  炉石传说外服论坛中有设计师曝光了最新的炉石补丁更新计划 。将在2017年2月底进行全面更新 。传说来看看99单机小编熊卜卜的年月炉石传说2017年2月底将更新 环境|平衡性调整曝光哈 。

炉石传说2017年2月底将更新 环境|平衡性调整曝光



  1 、更新官方的环境数据统计 ,在过去的炉石2周里,传说分段的传说天梯中,萨满的年月出场率达到了30% 。

  (第三方的更新VS数据显示 ,1月最后一天的环境天梯排名争夺中,萨满出场率升到了40%,炉石在天梯重置前的传说最后几个小时里,更是年月飚升到了60% ,因为这是更新高分段传说玩家保持胜率的最好方法 。)

  2、环境天梯所有分段的统计中 ,萨满的出场率达到了17% ,这个数据包括了萨满的全部卡组类型  。

  3、在炉石的历史上,最糟糕的最IMBA的时候是“送葬猎”时代,那时候全分段有35%的猎人  。历史上最高胜率的卡组是送葬猎,胜率大概60%。

  4  、海盗“组合”——蹩脚海盗和帕奇斯——在5级以上分段有50%的使用率 。

  5、当前环境最强卡组“快攻萨”的平均胜率是53%。历史上没有一个“最强卡组”胜率比它低的。它对防战的胜率仅为35% ,对战宇宙法也是劣势 。

  6 、2月底将会有一个补丁。


炉石传说2017年2月底将更新 环境|平衡性调整曝光


  Hey everyone!


  I've been reading a lot of feedback on the state of the game, whether pirates are too good, and whether shaman is too good. I'm also seeing a lot of folks wondering what we are planning to do about some of the current issues.

  我已经看了很多关于游戏现状的反馈,包括对于萨满和海盗是不是太强的讨论 。我也看到了很多玩家希望看到我们正计划去解决现有的一些问题 。

  I should start by saying that we truly appreciate all of your feedback. I think Hearthstone is at its best when the development team and the community discuss and share ideas back and forth. These are real issues, and hearing about your experiences has been helpful for us in determining next steps.

  首先 ,我必须说,我很感谢你们(所有玩家)的反馈 。我认为当开发团队与玩家群体不断地讨论和分享意见的时候,炉石传说就处于它的最佳状态。我们所讨论的这些是真实存在的问题,听取你们的亲身经历有助于我们决定后面几段的发展。

  So today, I wanted to talk a bit about the meta, potential nerfs, and how we think about balance.


  To get us started, I wanted to define some terms. These are common terms, so there may be no revelations here, but it's useful to make sure we're talking about the same things, and how these terms (which are common to all games) are specifically used in relation to Hearthstone.

  首先,我想要定义一下一些名词。这些很常见 ,所以他们也许没什么歧义,但是对于明确我们在讨论一致的东西,以及这些东西(在各个游戏中都常见的名词)在炉石中确切指什么,有很大帮助。

  About the Meta


  The Meta is short for the 'metagame'. The game is what happens once you tap 'Play' and see the spinner. The metagame is what happens outside of the game. It's what deck you choose to play. It's what decks your opponents choose to play. Some people define 'metagame' as literally everything game-related, including chatting with friends about it, reading information about it online, or anticipating upcoming content. The Hearthstone community uses it more frequently as "all decks that everyone is using" and often more specifically as the "the top X decks". If there are 7 decks that all see enough play that you see them again and again while you play, you might say those decks are 'the meta'. If you're playing a deck that people don't see often, you are playing 'off meta'. If you build a deck specifically to beat the most popular deck then you are playing to counter the meta. It doesn't matter if a deck is good or bad, what affects the meta most is how frequently any one deck appears. It's important to note that bad decks can be part of 'the meta', and good decks might not be widely spread enough yet to have become part of 'the meta'.

  环境是所谓“游戏环境”的缩写。游戏就是你在按下“对战”按钮 ,看到排队转盘之后发生的事 。游戏环境是在游戏外发生的事。它是你选择的卡组,也是你对手选择的卡组 。有些人以名义上与游戏关联的所有东西来定义游戏环境 ,包括与朋友讨论,上网刷攻略,或者预测未来的内容。炉石玩家群体经常把“所有玩家用的所有卡组”称为游戏环境,更经常的 ,“最强的X个卡组”。如果有7个卡组  ,大家都看到吐了,你在玩的时候你也能看到烦躁了,那么你可能说这些卡组就是“游戏环境”。如果你在玩一些罕见的卡组 ,你就是“脱离环境”。如果你组了一套卡专门针对最热门的卡组,你就是在针对环境。卡组好坏不重要 ,影响环境的最重要因素是一套卡组出现的多频繁。非常重要的是 ,所谓的坏卡组也可以成为“环境”的一部分 ,好卡组也可能没有广泛使用所以没有成为“环境”的一部分。

炉石传说2017年2月底将更新 环境|平衡性调整曝光

  About Balance


  Balance can mean different things in different contexts. Sometimes we use it to describe the relative power level between things. Sometimes we use it to describe how often things are being used in relation to each other. And there is a complex relationship between these two metrics.

  平衡在不同的环境有不同的含义 。有些时候我们用以描述不同东西的相对强度 。有些时候我们用以描述一些东西与其他东西关联的密切程度。在这两个指标下这是一个非常复杂的关系。

  For example, a class might have a very high win rate, relative to others. That's not balanced. When that happens, more people tend to flock to that class, increasing the play rate. Eventually, that class will become played more than other classes. That's also not balanced, and it's the more worrying imbalance.

  比如,一个职业也许有对于其他职业的极高胜率。这不平衡 。一旦这个事情发生 ,更多的玩家倾向于加入这个职业,增加这个职业的热度。最终 ,玩这个职业的会比玩其他职业的多 。这也不平衡 ,而且这是更糟糕的“IMBA”。

  We believe, at its core, Hearthstone is more fun when you are having a variety of experiences. We randomize the order of cards in your decks, restrict you to 2 copies of each card, and limit your hand size and the amount 'card draw' we print to help make experiences different each game. We print cards with random effects partially for this reason. But one of the biggest ways to give you different experiences (and problems to solve) each game is to give you different opponents with different decks. We also release new cards, because even all of these things isn't quite enough to keep things variant over time.

  我们相信 ,在根本上 ,你的炉石经历越丰富 ,炉石越好玩 。我们打乱了你套牌中的卡牌顺序 ,限制了每张牌只能塞2个复制 ,并且限制了手牌数量和总共可以抽到的牌的数量来让玩家每一局比赛都有所不同。我们印制一些随机效果的牌部分也是因为这个原因。但是最重要的给玩家多变经历的方式(也是我们要解决的问题) ,是让不同的对手使用不同的卡组 。我们也放出了一些新卡 ,因为即使以上所有东西都不足以让环境在长时间中保持多变 。

  There are games with less variety (like Chess), that are still very deep. But we believe that allowing creativity in deckbuilding, and giving players new and different problems to solve is really fun.

  也有一些没那么多变的游戏(象棋啊什么的) ,但也保持深度。但是我们相信释放组牌的创造力 ,给予玩家不同的新问题去解决是非常有意思的事情。

  The value of Balance, then, is to keep giving players different experiences.

  因此,平衡的价值,就是持续给予玩家不同的经历 。

  This is not to say that each card's role is to compete for a spot in a competitive deck. Some cards (like Majordomo Executus), are intended to be a lot of fun for players who like big splashy moments. Other cards are meant to be deckbuilding challenges to players who like to experiment with cards that others have deemed weak (Hobgoblin). Some are meant to be hooks for learning or comparison. ("This is like Chillwind Yeti, but better! That must be good!")

  这不是说每一张卡都要塞到一个有竞争力的卡组中 。有些卡(管理者啊什么的)是给那些喜欢看大火球锤脸的玩家提供快乐的 。其他的卡(比如大胖)是给那些喜欢自己组一些别人认为很弱的卡来玩出花的人的 。有一些卡是用来作为学习和比较的参照物的 。(这玩意跟雪人一样,但是更强!肯定更好用!)(译者:352和351潜行看着351白板)

炉石传说2017年2月底将更新 环境|平衡性调整曝光

  Statistics and the State of the Meta


  I wanted to go through some stats about the current meta, and talk about how we analyze them.


  Over the last two weeks, 30% of players are piloting Shaman at Legend. If you include all ranks, 17% of players are playing Shaman. This includes several decks: Aggro Shaman, Midrange Shaman, Control Shaman and Jade Shaman.

  在最近两周内,30%的传说段玩家使用萨满 。如果包括所有分段,这个数字是17%。这个数字包括了几种卡组 :打脸萨 ,中速萨,控制萨和青玉萨 。

  The worst point of imbalance in our history was Undertaker Hunter, where Hunter was played by 35% of players across all ranks.

  在炉石的历史上 ,最糟糕的最IMBA的时候是送葬猎时代 ,那时候全分段有35%的猎人 。

  The Pirate 'package' of Small-Time Buccaneer and Patches the Pirate is played in about 50% of all decks at rank 5 and above.


  The average win rate of the best deck in the meta is 53%. Historically, there has never been a 'best deck' with a lower win-rate. Put another way, this is the worst 'best deck' in Hearthstone's history. The win rate is consistent across all ranks, though individual players have wildly variant individual experiences. We don't include mirror matches in our calculations.

  当前环境最强卡组的平均胜率是53%。历史上没有一个“最强卡组”胜率很低。另外一个角度说 ,在炉石历史上有最糟糕的“最强卡组” ,它的胜率在全分段都很稳定,虽然不同的玩家有多样到爆的经历。我们不会算镜像对局的胜负关系 。

  The highest win rate of all time was Undertaker Hunter around 60%.

  历史上最高胜率的卡组是送葬猎,胜率大概60% 。

  When evaluating balance, we look at the win rate of decks and classes, compare them to the impossible ideal (50%), and to the worst case (60%). Knowing that 50% is impossible, we just want it to be "close". This isn't a science, but for us, that has traditionally been between 53% and 56%. This isn't the most important metric, though. If a deck has a 70% win rate, but only a handful of players are playing it, that's great. It doesn't cause the issues of non-variant gameplay... yet. Traditionally when a deck has a very high win rate, people begin to copy it, and it becomes a larger and larger part of the meta. Another important consideration for us at that point is 'Counters'.

  当我们评估是否平衡的时候 ,我们会看卡组和职业的胜率  ,并且与不可能的完美点(50%) ,和最糟糕的情况(60%)做对比 。我们知道50%是不可能做到的 ,所以我们只是希望接近它而已 。这不是一个科学定律 ,但是对于我们来说 ,传统上最强卡组胜率一般在53%到56%。不过这也不是最重要的度量 。如果一个卡组有70%胜率但没几个人玩 ,这很有意思 。这不会导致单一的对局……至少目前来说。传统上当一个卡组有爆炸高的胜率,人人都开始抄卡组,然后它就占据越来越大部分的环境 。在这里,我们考虑的另一个重要部分是“针对”。

  When a deck loses to specific cards or other decks, players can be rewarded for playing those counters as that deck rises in popularity. If a deck ever became 60% of the meta, but there was a deck that handily beat it, then you could have a 60% win rate by playing that deck, and it would become the new best deck in the meta. This phenomenon causes metas to change over time. We've seen that so far since the release of Gadgetzan Pirate Warrior hit peaks of 30%, but shrank to as low as 10% over time. There were also a few days in which Reno Warlock was the dominant deck and which Rogue was the dominant deck at very high skill levels. When the meta is still changing, we don't like to make changes to cards.

  当一个卡组因为一些特定卡牌或碰到一些特定对局而输掉比赛 ,当这个卡组热度上升时,牌手可以通过针对这个卡组来获取奖励 。如果一个卡组到了60%热度 ,但是有一个卡组可以吊打它 ,那么你玩这个可以拿到60%的胜率 ,并且这个卡组会变成新的最强卡组。这个现象让环境不断改变 。我们已经看到 ,加基森海盗战最开始冲到30%热度 ,到现在缩水到10%不到。另外 ,有那么几天宇宙术是天梯上最多的卡组 ,也有那么几天奇迹贼这个高技术含量的卡组遍地都是。当环境持续改变的时候,我们不喜欢去改卡。

  Right now, Aggro Shaman is one of our highest win-rate deck, but has a 35% win rate vs Control Warrior decks that are tuned to beat them. Reno Mage is also a bad match up for them. Does this mean that it has become 'correct' to play Control Warrior? It depends on the other decks in the meta, and whether Aggro Shaman continues to become more popular. Fibonacci recently took advantage of the predictable meta and built a Control Warrior deck that did very well against Aggro Shaman.

  现在,打脸萨是最高胜率的卡组之一,但是对防战只有35%胜率正限制它的进一步发展  。宇宙法也是一个不利对局。这意味着现在玩防战是正确的吗?这取决于环境中的其他卡组,以及打脸萨是否会继续盛行。Fibonacci(译者注 :斐波那契  ,外服著名防战玩家)最近通过环境可预测的变化来获取优势 ,组了一套防战来屠杀打脸萨 。

炉石传说2017年2月底将更新 环境|平衡性调整曝光

  We believe that it's important to let good players recognize shifts in the meta, and capitalize on their knowledge before the meta shifts and the 'solution' changes. This is one of biggest reasons why we don't nerf cards very frequently. When metas stagnate for too long; When there are no good counters; When the best decks aren't fun to play or lose to; these are all reasons we have made balance adjustments in the past. If a deck is popular for a few weeks, that isn't a reason to make a nerf on its own. We'd have to be concerned about the fun, not be seeing any emerging counter-strategies, or be far enough away from a new content release to be worried about stagnation for a long time.

  我们相信让好的玩家认识到环境的变化 ,在环境变化和“解决方案”改变之前利用他们的知识是很重要的。这是为什么我们不频繁削弱卡牌的最大原因之一。环境僵化了太长时间 ,或是没有好的针对,或者最强卡组不好玩或者输了太难受 ,都是我们过去平衡性调整的理由。如果一套牌火了几个星期,它本身并不能成为削弱的理由 。从长期来看,我们必须考虑有趣程度,没有看到新的针对手段 ,或者在新内容发布之后很长一段时间去担心环境是不是变得一潭死水。

  So that brings us to today. Another consideration for making a balance adjustment is planning around a client patch for each of our platforms. We are working on the ability to stream balance adjustments (and other content) directly to players' devices, but until we have that ability, we need to release a client patch to make a change to a card. Our next patch is planned for around the end of this month. You can expect an announcement from us regarding balance changes either way in the week or so leading up to that date.

  这就是今天的内容了。另外一个平衡性调整的考虑——对于我们的所有平台的客户端补丁——已经在计划之中 。我们正在为了直接将平衡性补丁(还有其他内容)推到每一个用户的设备而努力,但是在我们有这个能力之前  ,我们必须放出一个客户端补丁去改卡。我们下一个补丁计划在月底放出来。你们可以期待一下官宣的有关平衡型调整的内容来领先一步。





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